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Solidarity & the crisis in education: a cross-union panel event

Join our cross-union panel in the Debating Chamber in Falmer House at 6pm on the 21st of September this Welcome Week to hear from each of your campus unions about why joining a union now is the most important step you can take to reverse years of wage and pensions theft. Speakers will discuss what solidarity means and how we must act collectively to ensure decent pay and conditions for all workers.

The event will be followed by a mixer with refreshments, where attendees can chat to union representatives and other members.

Speakers include:

Jo Pawlik, Sussex (Sussex UCU Chair)

Will Hughes (Unison Sussex Chair)

Eleanor Ferguson (Unite the Union Sussex Secretary)

Rose Linehan (University of Sussex Students' Union)

Chaired by Phil Clarke (National Education Union - National Executive Member)

Sign up to the eventbrite get a reminder of the event via email.

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